Writer & Actress J.Nycole Talks Natural Hair & “Working Out The Kinks”

LISTen as J.nycole and I discuss working out the kinks

Working out the Kinks is comedic digital series that follows the eventful and everchanging life of a young Harlem naturalista by the name of Jada.  After finishing the series in 2 days, I knew that a conversation with Jada (played by J. Nycole Ralph) was needed and necessary. I got the opportunity to chat with J. Nycole last week and we had a pretty interesting convo.

Grab your glass, pour up and press play below to hear J.Nycole go into details about” Working out the Kinks”, discussions within the African-American hair community, self-actualization, upcoming projects and so much more.


To view episodes, information on the web series and even a few bloopers visit the wok website and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

You can also follow actress and writer J. Nycole Ralph on Instagram @jnycoleralph and follow the series on Instagram @wokseries. 


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