Gabby Douglass Gets Her Very Own Barbie

As of Lately, Barbie has honored many girls in very different fields with their own one-of-a-kind doll. Olympic gymnast Gabby Douglass is the latest to be honored with her very own Barbie, proving to little girls all over the world that you can be just about anything you set your mind to.

The doll is also a part of the #Shero Collection that Barbie launched a little while ago. According to Mattel the term #Shero meansĀ “female heroes who inspire girls by breaking boundaries and expanding possibilities for women everywhere.” Gabby isn’t the only girl with a Barbie from the collection. The collection includes a barbie honoring ballet dancer Misty Copeland, actress Emmy Rossum, Eva Chen who is the Editor-In-Chief of Lucky Magazine, Ava Duvernay the director of Selma and so many more. As of now, Gabby’s doll isn’t up for sale, but we’ll just simply wait and see and in the meantime congratulate her!

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