Grab Your Glass and Let’s get to Know Irv Da Phenom
“Out of all my albums, this album has been the most affirmation filled album. It’s almost like if you chant the lyrics back, you are reinforcing something positive in your head or hyping yourself up” – Irv Da Phenom
Kansas City’s Irv Da Phenom is a lyricist, singer, and songwriter that’s been on the music scene for more than ten years. His clever metaphoric lyrics, effortless flow, and great storytelling are what differentiate him from other rappers out of the midwest. On his social media accounts, you’ll find a combination of posts. Some are motivational and inspirational, some on fashion (since thrifting is his thing), others simply comedic, and last but certainly not least post that showcases his musical talent. 8th grade is where it all began for the artist. During that time he and a few friends would put on performances in the school gym, when they gained some fans he knew he was on to something.
“We figured out how to rig this little stereo to where you could record into the speaker. We were recording into the speaker on to the tape and we dubbed the beat. I don’t know how we rigged it up because it was like old technology but, we figured out how to do that. Afterwards we would go to the gym in the morning at school and play it in the gym. People really liked it, so we figured out how to put it on CD and started putting it on CDs and that’s how I got my start.
Would you say your hometown has influenced the way you view music or your music style?
Absolutely. I’m from the midwest where … if you go to the west coast you’re going to get a lot more bounce, party, and kick-it music. It’s like drugs and parties and women. In the midwest, it’s more of like a working class. Typically you’ll go to church, you have a family…you might drink. So there you get a lot more soul music and a lot of more serious and political type of stuff. But, yeah I’ve definitely been influenced by the midwest.
Super Bold Player is the name of your most recent album. Talk to me about the inspiration behind this album.
Super Bold Player is a play on words. Super Bold as in Super Bowl like the NFL. The Kansas City Chiefs just won the last super bowl and we’re going to win another super bowl this year. So it’s just like a play on that because, for the people that are from here and understand… we’re underdogs and we’ve been the underdogs in a lot of ways, especially in the entertainment industry. And the Chiefs were underdogs but they got that championship! I feel on the entertainment front, especially with us winning super bowls…our turn on the entertainment front is coming.
I have been doing music for 10 years plus independently so it’s just kind of attaching that feeling to a soundtrack. My first big look was actually a record I did call “Red and Yellow” which was a freestyle about Kansas City. I was unaware that the football season we were about to have was going to be so good and the song wasn’t even about football. That song blew up big! Every day it had like 10,000 more views than the previous day. So a lot of people in Kansas City know me as the Chiefs Song Guy… despite me touring and having all these different albums. So, it’s kind of like a nod back to those people who started my career, but if you look at the album cover you can tell it’s not about football.
What is your definition of a Super Bold Player?
Well, there’s a cool definition too…You’re in the game of life. We’re in the game of entertainment and the game of pushing a line, everybody’s in a game. Life is a game to a certain point… it’s how you play it, how you work with what you got and what your game plan is. It’s also putting your efforts into everything that you’re working on. You could be a garbage man, just make sure you’re the best garbage man in your own way. If you’re a musician, make sure you’re doing it in your own way and that’s the boldness that it takes to cut through and be yourself.
So I know 2020 is in the past and last year was kind of hectic (even this year is starting off a little hectic.) How would you say the past year and the pandemic affected you as an artist? Or just overall? You can share a positive or negative.
Umm, I guess the negative would be the loss of life…you know what I mean? The positive of it was time to reflect and time to revaluate where my energy has been going. We all ask God, kinda like “Yo if I could just press pause… if I just had more time… if you could just slow it down so I could do this, this, and this.” You know your house might have been dirty, you might’ve had paperwork you needed to finish up or emails and you’re just saying, “God give me one more day of the week.” God was like I’LL GIVE YOU 8 MONTHS! So that’s the positive, cause in the pandemic I found time to reconnect with my artistry and just take personal inventory so that what I put in my music was able to help more people. Out of all my albums, this album has been the most affirmation filled album. It’s almost like if you chant the lyrics back you are reinforcing something positive in your head or hyping yourself up. I was able to do that through reflecting during the downtime of the pandemic.
Finish this sentence for me. I create music for…
Hustlers, early adopters, beautiful people, fashionistos, intelligent people, black people, human beings, music lovers, myself!
I like that answer! Some people tend to answer by saying “Me! I make music for myself. I don’t mind if others don’t listen.”
Well, I’m part of seven different other communities. So if I make it for me and I’m a part of all these other communities, then by default other people will vibe with it.
Do you have any plans for this upcoming year whether it’s personal plans, or just musically?
Hmmm plans, that word hits different now don’t it?
Yes, it does, because people always say you make plans and God laughs at them.
Woooo! So you know I don’t even wanna be arrogant and talk about plans right now. But nah, what I have been working on includes an album. I have a new album on the way in 1st quarter and aside from that just working on releasing visuals. I also have a line of candles on my website It’s actually the 1st line of candles by a rapper to ever come out so I have those out right now and they’ve been doing really well. I’m doing pairing parties when I can. Still working out the logistics of that though because of social distancing. The wine pairing parties is where I introduce people to my music while also serving them really good food and wine. I’m also working on these candles and more music so just creating. Creating, and sharing everything that’s in my head with the world.
“So just creating, creating, and sharing everything that’s in my head with the world.”
I see a wine venture in your future. Am I correct?
Yes, for sure!
Lastly, just for fun (If you like to have a drink here and there) what’s your go-to drink?
A glass of red wine! That does it for me.
To keep up with Irv Da Phenom and his music follow him on social media @irvdaphenom on all platforms. Instagram | Twitter. Be sure to also check out his website and most recent album below.