Kim Kardashian West for this Week’s Billboard

KKW is the latest celebrity to grace the cover of Billboard Magazine. In her interview with the magazine she talks about a variety of different things including Taylor Swift and Kanye’s famous beef.

In regards to the beef she states,

“Ugh, do we really have to talk about Taylor Swift? I’m so over it. If it were up to Kanye, it all would probably never have come out. He can handle it, he has no hard feelings. He doesn’t even really care. I just wanted to protect my husband. I saw him getting a lot of sh*t. It wasn’t even about a look or anything, or to have this feud — it was like, ‘OK, here’s the truth.’ Done. Let’s all move on. I feel like I don’t want to talk about her anymore.”

But little did she know her putting out the truth would cause so much drama. Besides talking conflict, Kim also shared some of her favorite artist. As we know she loves listening to her husband and bumpin along to his music but when she isn’t, you can catch her listening to artist like Chance The Rapper, Ariana Grande, Celine Dion, Sam Smith (who she introduced at the MTV VMA’s a few summers ago) Big Sean, Eminem and Shania Twain.

When asked about her new family and her children she stated, “We weren’t trying or planning on it and I just didn’t think I was ready. But you’re never ready. It happens when it’s supposed to happen and at the right time. Both times when I was pregnant I’d literally just pray, ‘I hope my baby can handle this life.’ I believe their souls choose us to be their parents — that they choose this life. That’s my belief.”






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