Lebron James and Business Partner Maverick Carter’s Plans for Media Company SpringHill Co.

with the help of a $100 million investment, Lebron James and Maverick Carter are ready to move the culture with Media Company Springhill co

LeBron James and Maverick Carter for Bloomberg Businessweek

Lebron James and business partner Maverick Carter secured a $100 million investment for their new media company SpringHill Co. The media company plans to showcase content that more people can relate to. Springhill Co is described as

“a media company with an unapologetic agenda: a maker and distributor of all kinds of content that will give a voice to creators and consumers who’ve been pandered to, ignored, or underserved.”

Many people can agree that as of late there has been a shift in the television, media, and entertainment culture. Now more than ever writers, producers, and other industry officials are creating content and sharing stories that people, especially black people can relate to. While speaking to Bloomberg about SpringHill Co. James shared his thoughts saying,

“When we talk about storytelling, we want to be able to hit home, to hit a lot of homes where they feel like they can be a part of that story, And they feel like, Oh, you know what? I can relate to that. It’s very organic to our upbringing.”

LeBron James is SpringHill Co’s chairman, while Maverick Carter is the media company’s CEO. Together the two men and the rest of the SpringHill Co team are looking to reach new levels in digital media. The investors who helped the company reach its $100 million funds are financial services company Guggenheim Partners LLC, UC Investments, News Corp. global content company Sister, and SC. Holdings. In case you’re wondering where SpringHill got its name… the company is named after the apartment complex that James and his mother moved into during his first year of middle school.  Check out the sizzle reel below to see what SpringHill Company has in store. 



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