Nicki is Giving You Your Chance to get Discovered in Nicki Minaj: The Empire

Glu Mobile or (Glu), the company who gave Kim K. West her game and countless other celebs theirs, has done it again! This time giving rap icon and music mogul Nicki Minaj her very own taste at what it’s like to live in a virtual world. Nicki took to twitter and Instagram last week to announce the release of her new game Nicki Minaj: The Empire.


Allow me to break down the game’s concept for you:

You (the player of course) are an upcoming hip-hop artist. With the help of Nicki herself you’ll be able to break into the music industry, dress and shop like a celebrity, throw the hottest virtual parties with other players in the exclusive chat rooms, and finally write your very own rhymes! In the game there is a section called Raps, where  players get to go in and write/record their lyrics over dope beats including an exclusive song that Nicki herself wrote and gifted the players with. To top it all off, it has been said that she will listen to many of the players raps. With that being said, if you’re an artist on the come up, playing this game might not be a bad idea!


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