Rap Artist LegaCi Shares her Story & the Making of “Legendary” the EP

legaci walks us through the making of her 1st ep “Legendary”

“Music was always my dream”- LegaCi

When it comes to rap artist LegaCi, you can expect to hear storytelling in the form of rap. Her distinct voice, flow, and lyricism is what captivates her fans and new listeners. In addition, her ability to use her music to relate to her audience is what makes LegaCi a force to be reckoned with. For her, it’s all about leaving her stamp (aka her music) on the world.

LegaCi, who’s real name is Cierra began chasing her dreams shortly after high school. While attending undergrad she dropped her first homemade mixtape “Legends Never Die”. At 19 she recalls going to class during the day and in the evening coming home and using her closet as her studio booth. From there she went on to drop multiple mixtapes and received multiple awards, including the “Battle of the Shore” award in 2015 and the “KYS Verses” award in 2018. While she did receive a bachelor’s degree in behavioral psychology she knew her true purpose was to make a mark in the music industry. “Music was always my dream.”  “I did go to school, but that was kind of because it was something I just wanted to get out the way. You know…because people always tell you to have a backup plan.” C.V.C Entertainment caught up with the artist to further discuss her story and her new EP “Legendary”.

rsz_1legaci5517.jpgLegaCi and Legendary. Two VERY powerful words. You’re known professionally as LegaCi and your latest EP is titled Legendary. Tell me the story and meaning behind each name. Starting with LegaCi…followed by “Legendary” the EP.

LegaCi, I chose that name because growing up I was afraid of being forgotten, not good enough, or not remembered. So I kind of manifested with my name that I would have a legacy and named myself LegaCi. The EP Legendary that is pretty much the same concept. I want this project to be legendary over time. I want it to live, you know? Not be one of those things you listen to one time and then forget about it. I want it to be something that’s constantly in your playlist and something that you stream often. So I kinda just want it to be legendary, its really that simple. LegaCi and Legendary, what the words mean…that’s what I’m going for.

What would you say is the difference between “LegaCi” and Cierra? (If there is a difference)

LegaCi and Cierra share the same core beliefs and values. LegaCi may be a little more confident than Cierra and in some ways, she’s living out some of Cierra’s dreams right now. Eventually, she will be living out her wildest dreams. But for the most part, she is like a more confident version of Cierra.

Putting out your first EP I’m pretty sure was both exciting and nerve-wracking. What was the process like leading up to the debut of the EP?

I think the most difficult part is rolling it out. Like the marketing and promotion behind the release. Of course, making the music was fun. Picking the songs was pretty easy, more easy than some of my past projects. In the past it didn’t really matter, I would just put all the songs on there. But because this was an EP and it was between five and seven songs, I had to choose. But, it was pretty easy to choose. So, I think just the marketing and the promotion behind it all…like how we were going to present it to the world was the most difficult part of it.

Were there any significant moments that motivated you or maybe even discouraged you?  

Yes! I don’t know if it’s the same answer for both of those questions but the whole quarantine and lockdown. At the beginning of the lockdown, I was very motivated. I finished the EP. I didn’t sit down and say “okay, I’m going to work on an EP” but I had been making music continuously throughout the year and when I realized my catalog I figured I could make this into a project. So then I polished it and added a couple of songs. That part was done in the beginning of quarantine. I had enough free time to go ahead and sit down and polish up the EP so it motivated me in that way… but like at this point…what are we five months in? I’m over it. I am so over it, I don’t know what to do.

From the beginning of time, Hip-hop and the music & entertainment industry has pretty much been one-sided. It’s always been like a “Boys Only” Club and super male-dominated, where women have to work 10x as harder to be respected as an artist. What is a battle you constantly find yourself facing throughout your journey as a female rapper?

Well, I don’t really think it’s hard for me. Not to be cocky or anything like that…but I am mainly and mostly respected by male artists. I think it’s because my content is not necessarily what you would hear maybe a mainstream female artist rap about. They respect the lyricism and that I actually have content that has thoughts behind it. (Not saying that’s not the case with other artists) I’m just saying that I’m respected a little more upon someone hearing me. I get a lot of respect from male artists.

One of the tracks on the EP features a song with singer and songwriter Tiffany Evans. Talk to me about the song and how the two of you got together to create “Down Bad”

So basically I had written the song “Down Bad” and I needed a singer for the chorus. I reached out to Tiffany Evans after seeing her post on Instagram saying that she was open to doing features and hooks. She did like a promotional thing on her Instagram where she told people to reach out to her to collaborate. So, I told my team that’s what I wanted and they made it happen. I was really glad that it happened because I wasn’t expecting it, but they reached out to her and she liked the song. She went on and sung the hook for me and put her own little spin on it and it turned out really great.

Was this before quarantine? Were you guys able to get into the studio together, or was it done separately?

It was done separately. It was actually right in the middle of quarantine. I don’t really remember exactly when right now. But we were definitely on lockdown when this happened.

So I’m going to ask you this because I know you like Missy Elliot. Is that correct? 

That’s correct.

How dope would it be if you had a collab with Missy Elliot? Both of you in the studio together, what do you think you guys would come up with?

It would definitely be something to make you dance for sure! It would be something to make you dance, fun, and catchy. The visual is what I would be most excited about and obviously meeting one of the artists I’ve looked up to forever. But just having her creative direction with a visual and even her direction coming up with song would be the greatest thing. That would be a great experience. No, it WILL be a great experience when it happens.

I was about to say that. Let’s speak it into existence, cross our fingers and put it on the vision board!Lastly, I have a bonus question. Just for fun if you like to have a drink once in a while…what’s your go-to drink?

My go-to drink is crown apple and cranberry. And I only really social drink. I don’t really drink like every day, just when I’m out. But yeah that’s my go-to drink.

To keep up with LegaCi and her music follow her on social media @legacibtw on all platforms. Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Be sure to also check out her EP “Legendary” below.

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Acknowledgements: Images from Legacibtw.com

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