Shonda Rhimes Covers TIME & Shares What Balance Means to Her

Shonda rhimes shares what balance looks like for her

If there is one thing we are all constantly trying to manage as adults it’s BALANCE. Now more than ever we see both men and women (especially women) sharing what balance looks like for them. We see it in self-care-themed videos, posts on social media and hear it often in everyday conversations.

During her recent interview with TIME, the phenomenal television producer and screenwriter Shonda Rhimes spoke on how she attempts to balance her amazing, busy career and life outside of work. She openly admits there are times when she isn’t fully present at work because she is thinking of her children. Rhimes stated,

“I don’t think anybody who has kids is fully present at work. The idea of pretending that we have no other life is some sort of fantasy out of the 1950s, where the little lady stayed at home. I don’t have a little lady at home. So if I am excelling at one thing, something else is falling off. And that is completely O.K.”

This is a topic we often hear mothers, parents, and guardians speak on all the time. In Shonda land, the idea that one constantly has to exhaust themselves trying to balance everything is non-realistic. She believes it’s okay for things to fall off occasionally…after all, we are all humans simply trying our best.

Rhimes also spoke about her experience as the media mogul and leader that she is today. When it comes to leading she says, “I don’t want to sound sexist, but I never tried to lead like a man.” Her views on what makes a healthy work environment include having healthy boundaries and keeping the environment stable and enjoyable at all times.

“I wouldn’t want a workplace that didn’t feel equitable for me, “so why would I want a workplace that didn’t feel equitable for anybody else?” – Shonda Rhimes

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